I've seen so many advertisements and tv spots for Transformers, can't they pick a single day to open the movie? Is it 7.2.7 / 7.3.7 / 7.4.7 or what? I thought Transformers opened 7.4.7 since that's what the wallpaper dled from the site stated. Now, upon going to the official site, it says 7.2.7. Browsing through the site gives multiple dates too. GM has a huge ad campaign with the movie and states 7.3.7 on their site! IMDB goes with 7.3.7...
I was researching some car sites and saw this VW ad on the home page. The new Passat seems to be one of those 'push to start' cars and so you get to pick a finger to start the car. I chose the middle finger and voila, VW gave me the bird.
Unintentionally flips you off but it's funny! To see the ad in action, go to http://www.nadaguides.com/ and look for the sponsored showcase.
Note: If you have an adblocker installed, it probably won't show.
Guess they shouldn't have parked there! Pretty sweet billboard and idea. Too bad for those cars. I wonder why the car on the right is clean though...so you look and see the cars covered in paint?
The day after taking a test, student Michael Benson receives an email from his professor:
Dear Michael, Every year I attempt to boost my students' final grades by giving them this relatively simple exam consisting of 100 True/False questions from only 3 chapters of material. For the past 20 years that I have taught Intro Communications 101 at this institution I have never once seen someone score below a 65 on this exam. Consequently, your score of a zero is the first in history and ultimately brought the entire class average down a whole 8 points.
There were two possible answer choices: A (True) and B (False). You chose C for all 100 questions in an obvious attempt to get lucky with a least a quarter of the answers. It's as if you didn't look at a single question. Unfortunately, this brings your final grade in this class to failing. See you next year!
May God have mercy on your soul.
Sincerely, Professor William Turner
P.S. If all else fails, go with B from now on. B is the new C
I'll start off with something nice and simple...I was walking around and saw and out of order parking meter. Glancing at the message, I couldn't help but laugh and snap a picture with my phone.